Sunday, September 07, 2008

#41 09-07-2008 Off to the Races

[ ] show number/date/title/theme
[ ] welcome, quote of the day, in this episode....
[ ] guest co-host intro
[ ] show welcome & description with phone number to call in 519-837-2378, e-mail: you can make comments on our blog - found thru a link off the schedule page - or, post something for at the group on face book

[ ] song - james gordon, mention healing tunes and energy event
[ ] psa's/ads from com 1 (2 min?)

[ ] news items

[ ] pre-recorded segments,
breed of the week, thoroughbred
hors-tory, ep 4, Racing
[ ] song

[ ] events to mention
[ ] story part 1, 15 min
[ ] song
[ ] discussion w/guest

[ ] story part 2, 12 min
[ ] show preview for next week
[ ] show preview for next show on cfru's schedule
[ ] credits/thanks:
That's it for this edition of hoofbeats.
Our contributors are...
Special thanks to...
For CD copies of this show contact To listen from, go to the alternate program archive, and choose Sunday 9 am.
Kim Logue is our producer...
.. is our Tech intern.
I am .... your host
Thanks for listening!

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