Monday, May 06, 2024

2024 Guelph Dance Festival

I recently had the pleasure to sit down in conversation with choreographer and current Artist-in-Residence, Tara Butler, about the work she will be presenting IN THE STUDIO -- showing on Sunday, June 2nd at 3:30.  

You can listen here to our conversation, including her fascinating explanation of the title, It Falls with The Rain.  I loved talking about taking constructive action around environmental issues as part of our interview!   I recently read that the average adult consumes the equivalent of one credit card per week in microplastics and it has been really on mind -- what a delight to hear what Tara has inspired to draw our attention to as well... 

This segment was produced for CFRU 93.3fm also features segments of the original compositions created by Edgardo Moreno for the project. 


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