[ ] promo (30sec)
[ ] grandpa's legacy (9:??)
[ ] climate change report, show overview, guest intro (?)
Q. so, how did you get started with cowboy poems?
Q. more about background/current involvement with horses
29 stalls, indoor and outdoor riding areas, multiple turn-out paddocks and a round penQ. why do you think the Quarter Horse Show Circuit has remained so popular? What are the trends in the industry?
[ ] some new canadian horse song?
Mark has been on the board of the CNE, headed up nearly every committee and served multiple terms as Presid for the Ontario Quarter Horse Association. also serves on the Membership Services of the American Quarter Horse Association. helps Equine Canada & has been on the board of the Ontario Equestrian Federation...
Q. why do you think it is important to get involved as a volunteer?You have shown hundreds of horses in hundres of shows (7 different English and Western events at each of over 30 shows each season) and have had multiple top-ten placings at the American Quarter Horse World Championships in Oklahoma City.
Q. so where'd you get that belt buckle?
Q. what stands out at the funniest thing that has ever happened in a class?Q. do you have a role model for "Riding Smart" and wearing a helmet
June 2, Deadline for entries regarding submissions to marketing@horse.on.ca
[ ] button box stuff (2:00)
[ ] ask Equine Guelph (3:00)
Q. tell us about your art.
Q. dressage
Q. what do you think of this quote and this quote and this quote
Q. when you were getting started in the horse business, who were your biggest influences?[ ] credits/thanks:
our team: jessica, dallas, nikky, heather, kelly, rick and special voices: ED, steve purves, james kritz, steve mason.
mark grice, our guest for attending and gift provider if possible and
the houseplants for the music we use in our intro.
[ ] cfru.ca info, broadcast radius, channel 948 range etc.
[ ] preview of ohha guest next week. write to us with your questions!
[ ] another poem to close? (5:00?)
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