Dave Clark coming to Hillside this year!!
Wendy from Family Matters is doing a radio for kids workshop!
sorry that its just me and the music library as the theme today!
[ ] STN ID, Read Show Description from blog
[ ] Mention Migrant Matters, a CFRU show that navigates through the interconnected issues that limit the freedom of people to move across borders (of all kinds) and stay wherever they choose. Mary brings into focus the individual faces and unique stories of migrant workers, "non-status" people, and racialized working-class immigrants. We share interviews about matters that immigration policy imposers don't want to remedy and dig below the mainstream perspective. The show sheds light on the topics of: race, class, gender, forced migration, displacement, immigration, citizenship, criminalization, corporate and state greed, and abuse and well-being in our communities. Airing every fourth Friday (6-7pm) of the month. I've also heard one rebroadcast a couple times this week and thought i would suggest to horse lovers to download it from the archive Saturday 8-9 am. The interview brings to light the undocumented labourers that are common on some superwealthy, competitive horse farms. The media expert's description of colic makes it sound like an affliction of only the high performance horse, which colic is not, is it a serious risk for ALL horses regardless of value, but the points made about the violation of the workers rights in terms of caring for the animals is VERY well made.
do I have a pony daze blog entry to read where Jill is counted in the worker tally that defines the ranchers operation "how many mexicans do you have?"
I also love Beyond the Ballot box
Books for Breakfast started a PRODUCER this week!
[ ] explain how to get shows from the archive
[ ] offer call in number
[ ] starts at 6:50? runs to 12:28min
Rebecca's Report on New Forest Breed
[ ] if you know anyone in outlying areas that you think might be interested in the horse talk show, suggest outreach to Erin in Erin (i.e. challenge of internet in rural areans, use of airwaves)
[ ] The Hills of Headwaters is Ontario's DESTINATION for EQUITATION
A 9-day Celebration of Equine Excellence September 24th to October 2nd
an opportunity for visitors and industry enthusiasts to experience and take part in a variety of equine related activities, launch in downtown Erin ith a variety of equine themed events, fincluding Breeders’ Parade of Horses along Main Street at 5:00 pm. It ends at the Erin Fairgrounds where an evening of entertainment will feature a family barbecue and entertainment with the Square Dancing Tractors (as featured on the Rick Mercer report) and a drive-in movie.
HEADWATERS STABLE TOURS RETURN Public Circuit Tour (showcasing riding stables, boarding facilities, training centres, and therapeutic riding facilities) and Private Circuit Tour (featuring world-class racing, breeding, training and veterinary facilities).
2ND ANNUAL FORGING COMPETITION participants vying for prizes to showcase the skills of craft and intricacies of one of the world’s oldest professions.
EQUINE ARTISTRY, The Alton Mill will be one of our host venues this year, where an equine theme will be evident in a variety of activities including a Cowboy Poetry event, a student equine art show, horse drawing clinics and an equestrian themed fashion show.
GALA evening under the stars at the Erin Fairgrounds with Leisa Way starring in Sweet Dreams: A Tribute to Patsy Cline (featuring the Wayward Wind).More events and activities are still being added. THE TOURISM PEOPLE WANT TO HEAR FROM HORSE POPLE. Learn morehorses@thehillsofheadwaters.
(also think Steering group for the 2015 Pan Am Games?)
[ ] 3 seconds Karen Briggs
[ ] 1:40 Horse of the Week from Horsica
[ ] 3:46 San Sebastian, Justin Rutledge, Man Descending,
your mare was chesnut brown[ ] 3:00 PSAs
[ ] reminder CALL FOR PARTICIPATION DESTINATION EQUITATION We are now accepting participants for: Breeders' Parade of Horses - September 24th
Public & Private Circuit Stable Tours - September 25th and October 1st
They also want to know about other equine related events in the region during this time frame, so please let us know what you have going on and we'll help you promote it! Other Involvement and suggestions from the equestrian community are requested!! horses@thehillsofheadwaters.com
[ ] 4:23, River's Edge, Great Lake Swimmers, Lost Channels
[ ] read from Kelly's documentary news article in the trib
[ ] Good News/Bad News Calgary Stampede
from Elizabeth May's Facebook Wall Photos
"Having a great time at the Calgary Stampede with Adriane Carr! Met Parade Marshall Rick Hansen this morning" Death of horse Chuckwagon races
- September 24th to October 2nd, 2011
We are now accepting participants for: Breeders' Parade of Horses, Public & Private Circuit Stable Tours They also want to know about other equine related events in the region during this time frame, so please let us know what you have going on and we'll help you promote it!
[ ] Other Involvement and suggestions from the equestrian community are requested!!horses@thehillsofheadwaters.
[ ] Another type of call for participation
talk about SAC meetings. hillside workshop 1pm
plowshare park jams tuesdays in august. sept 18, oct 23
seeking songwriters who wish to feature, seeking venue for 2nd monthly meetings
[ ] 4:28 Nothing But A Good Ride, Lyle Lovett
I listened to this song in my earbuds recently and decided it was a song about a trucker or tour-bus stranded musician. Until reading the New York Times article sent to me by Lyle's On-Tour PR person... I learned from that same piece that the production sounds I didn't quite "get" on the tune Natural Forces feature Reining announcer Keith Bradley
Lyle Lovett’s love of horses is equal to his love of music.
"In terms of our horses, I love them all for different reasons."
"I feel so fortunate to be able to learn from people who are the very best in the world... It is a privilege to be able to ask them questions and listen to what they say. When you watch them ride, you see that what they say works.. Then you get on your own horse they’ve been working with and you really see how it works. It’s a privilege when you can spend time around people who are interested in quality – people who do everything they do to the best of their ability, in order to get a good result. That’s something I find easy to admire in people – when someone’s trying his best,” " -- Lyle Lovett
I forgot to bring that live Old Medicine Crow album with the 2nd track "My Pony is Gonna Ride Again"
I forgot to bring that live Old Medicine Crow album with the 2nd track "My Pony is Gonna Ride Again"
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