Saturday, September 13, 2014

hoofbeats #161 09-13-2014 Organic Farming with Horses

In this episode we hear Celine's station id recorded at Hillside and an Act of Love, the song about seeds by Maria Kaastan.  Ken Laing's interview segment airs again, followed by the lovely tune Market Day, by Maria Kaastan and Another Horse joke from Jim.

There is a nice segment from the Tony McQuail hay wagon ride/farm tour that runs 34min and the songs Chicken Wire, Wild Ponies, White Oak Wood, and Father's Day, by Jonathan Byrd.

There's also a Hayfield Report, and a Horse Of The Week segment about Gwen, and another Maria Kaastan song called Beets In The Cellar.

What I think is missing from this show is a PSA I created for Ignatius Farm:

Interested in an opportunity as delicious and rare as purple carrots? Join us at Ignatius Farm & CSA in planting the seeds of change. We welcome you to a meaningful community experience, and model for sustainable agriculture, committed to preserving and enhancing the environment.

CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) is an alternate food access and distribution system where the customer is linked directly to the farm. A CSA member buys in at the beginning of the season to receive a portion of the harvest at the veggie pick up, once a week for 20 weeks. As members of a community, we all share in the risk and bounty of local food production!

You are invited to connect with the land, to experience this very direct back and forth with the farmers, and to enjoy the variety of the harvest seasons with fresh picked organic produce bursting with nourishment, flavour and fragrance.  In the crop fields, we offer working share opportunities and a variety of volunteering options. Please contact csaoutreach(at)

Located just north of Woodlawn on Hwy 6, the farm is a proud member of the Ignatius Jesuit Centre, a place of peace that fosters an ecological way of life for the well being of land and people. With a diversity of eco-systems, wildlife, grassy plains, deciduous and mixed forest, meadows, urban fringe and hiking trails that are open to the public! Please visit.

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